Sunday, October 18, 2015

post about my family

When it comes to my family, I really don't have much of a family. I have relatives, people I'm related to but not really family. I'm not saying that I come from a small family. I have a large amount of relatives such as cousins, aunts and uncles. I don't have any brothers or sisters that I know about. I'm an only child my little brother died with my mom in a car accident when I was only  two years old. My mother was pregnant at the time. I feel as people use the term family to loosely. I'm not a family person when I'm with my family because my family switch up on the so- called people they love. They say your close family will turn on you quicker than the people in the street, I don't trust neither. When family stop having your back and your friends too you got to carry yourself. I was born alone and I'm going to die alone. Carry myself till that day comes.

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