Tuesday, October 20, 2015

changing relationship

A changing relationship I've had with my family was when I meet my first cousin for the first time. I was use to being the only grandchild to see my grandpa. It felt strange when he left New York and moved to Georgia.  My grandfather ask for all 8 of his grandchildren to come to his new house over the summer. Ive never meet my first cousins before so I didn't feel comfortable around them. I thought my grandfather was going to show me all the attention. He did not. In the beginning of the summer I told my cousins I hate them all, and wanted to fight all of them but by the end of the summer we were all close."Too bitter to smile, I would not
answer or look at him, but I would just roll over on my back and frown at the ceiling. I never
thought it was funny at all." from Manning's article because i dreaded being there.

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