Monday, October 12, 2015

2 posts from your colleagues, using quotes from each post

I got one post from Alexis Fry, it is College Life (*Open Choice Topic). She had said something very important about being away from your parents in college. "Your no longer with your parents anymore,your now on your own. You have to grow up & Start being your own adult."

The second post I got from Monicia Andrew, which is what makes an effective introduction to a wiki article! Monicia listed her points rather than writing a paragraph. out of all the blogs I've commented on that was something different. She stated,
  1. "It grabs reader’s attention.
  2. It clearly implies an organizational structure of the paper.
  3. Its choice of support is specific and relevant, and provides a clear, connected lead-in to paper’s main idea or thesis.
  4. Position is clearly stated or implied.
  5. It effectively includes one or more of the following strategies:  question"

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