Wednesday, October 28, 2015

how to make your own writing more emphatic

Expand their empathy by gaining direct experience of other people’s lives, putting into practice the Native American proverb, “Walk a mile in another man’s moccasins before you criticize him.”

Monday, October 26, 2015

Conflict you have with someone in your family

I have conflict with all my family members. The family member I have the most conflict with is my uncle. My uncle is very annoying all he care about is himself. He will eat the last, cook for himself and no one else. My uncle is very selfish. When it come to money he don't like to spend his own but always asking for money from someone else. I done fought my uncle about 4 or 5 times since I moved to Lithonia.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Role of guns in America

The Roles of guns in America is an open topic. I like the fact that a regular citizen of the United States of age can carry a fire arm. Also, its in the United States Bill of rights to carry a fire arm. I don't think its right to have a gun and just commit murder or kill someone because you have a gun. A gun should only be used if your life, home and family is being threaten.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

changing relationship

A changing relationship I've had with my family was when I meet my first cousin for the first time. I was use to being the only grandchild to see my grandpa. It felt strange when he left New York and moved to Georgia.  My grandfather ask for all 8 of his grandchildren to come to his new house over the summer. Ive never meet my first cousins before so I didn't feel comfortable around them. I thought my grandfather was going to show me all the attention. He did not. In the beginning of the summer I told my cousins I hate them all, and wanted to fight all of them but by the end of the summer we were all close."Too bitter to smile, I would not
answer or look at him, but I would just roll over on my back and frown at the ceiling. I never
thought it was funny at all." from Manning's article because i dreaded being there.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Best information

The best information Ive learned from my wiki article is all the different schools that specialize in fashion design. The schools are all over the world not just in the United States. I thought that was pretty cool.
"There are many universities that offer fashion design throughout the United States, usually within the context of a general liberal arts degree. The major concentration incorporating fashion design may have alternative names like Apparel and Textiles or Apparel and Textile Design, and may be housed in departments such as Art and Art History, or Family and Consumer Studies. Some schools, such as Parsons, offer a major in Fashion Management, combining fashion education with business courses."

Sunday, October 18, 2015

post about my family

When it comes to my family, I really don't have much of a family. I have relatives, people I'm related to but not really family. I'm not saying that I come from a small family. I have a large amount of relatives such as cousins, aunts and uncles. I don't have any brothers or sisters that I know about. I'm an only child my little brother died with my mom in a car accident when I was only  two years old. My mother was pregnant at the time. I feel as people use the term family to loosely. I'm not a family person when I'm with my family because my family switch up on the so- called people they love. They say your close family will turn on you quicker than the people in the street, I don't trust neither. When family stop having your back and your friends too you got to carry yourself. I was born alone and I'm going to die alone. Carry myself till that day comes.

Monday, October 12, 2015

2 posts from your colleagues, using quotes from each post

I got one post from Alexis Fry, it is College Life (*Open Choice Topic). She had said something very important about being away from your parents in college. "Your no longer with your parents anymore,your now on your own. You have to grow up & Start being your own adult."

The second post I got from Monicia Andrew, which is what makes an effective introduction to a wiki article! Monicia listed her points rather than writing a paragraph. out of all the blogs I've commented on that was something different. She stated,
  1. "It grabs reader’s attention.
  2. It clearly implies an organizational structure of the paper.
  3. Its choice of support is specific and relevant, and provides a clear, connected lead-in to paper’s main idea or thesis.
  4. Position is clearly stated or implied.
  5. It effectively includes one or more of the following strategies:  question"

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Effective introduction to a Wikipedia article

The best and most effective way to execute a introduction on the Wikipedia article is to grab the readers attention. If the reader is not interested when reading the introduction to the Wikipedia article then they wouldn't want to read the rest of the article.

Learned about your Wikipedia topic

What I learned about my Wiki Topic is that Fashion design was first started over seas in Europe. Places such as France, Spain and Italy first started a sense of wardrobe that are seen now in the fashion industry. For example, the men in France used to wear high platform shoes to seem taller. Now gender roles have switched and women now wear high platform shoes to seem taller all over the world.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Humor in a strange situation

I find humor in every situation I am in. Humor is the gateway to relieve stress. If put in a strange situation, to find humor go to your hippo-campus and find the funniest memory you have to relieve you out of that strange situation. I find humor in the strange situation because how I look at life every action and reaction  has humor to it at the end of the situation. I just tend to find the humor in the beginning so I wouldn't have to deal with burdens of stress later before the humor settles.

Organization of my Wikipedia article

My Wikipedia article is still undergoing an organizational process. I am going to put my article in chronological order of dates and facts so to the reader it is easier to read and understand. My article cant jump from topic to topic with no organization because to the reader the article would not make any sense. The article I am working on has its own  order so putting the information in order would not be hard.

men and women stereotype each other and which is worse

Men and Women stereotype each other all the time. Men feel as if they are a move dominate sex than women. Men feel stronger and superior; however, women are a smarter sex. I think it is worse when men stereotype women because its always a negative correlation with that stereotype. If a women was to stereotype a man, there would be some negative correlations but also positives. When men stereotype a women there is always a negative correlation.