Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Write 1 post by Wednesday about the use of mythological elements in one of this week's poems. Use quotes.

The mythological elements in Gwendolyn Brooks' "We Real Cool", seems like a myth of how people who are "cool" and play pool behave. The poem describes how those who play pool are the cool kids on the block. They are so cool that they are too cool for school, and there for the left school. It seems as though these people who are cool, stay out way to late playing pool, with potty mouths, "we sing sin" (Brooks 828). The cool kids on the block not only do all of those things but they also party often, jazzing to the beat in the summer of June. These cool kids know that this life style is fun and that everyone who is no one would love to be in their shoes, but they know that this life style comes with consequences. They know that with their life style that they choose, the will die soon.

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