Wednesday, March 23, 2016

1 post by Wednesday about why images can mean so many different things. Use a quote from a poem and from a song you like.

Images can mean a plethora of things depending on the viewers understanding. Imagery appeals to the five senses. The poem "Heat" by H.D uses the imagery of touch. In the poem "Heat" the author says "fruit cannot fall into heat", and "O wind, rend open the heat". I understand this image as heat being a feeling of touch. Also, the elements of nature are being personified.

One of my favorite song is The break up song by Wale. The lyrics "See, breaking up is hard to move along is even harder It's over she got colder now can't locate where her heart is" are my favorite because when Wale says 'It's over she got colder now can't locate where her heart is" that is a image of how breakups can go south and your heart gets cold which is the sense of touch.  

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