Wednesday, March 30, 2016

1 post by Saturday about about the images 2 colleagues' discussed in their posts and how you differ. Use quotes.

Jay said, "images can mean a plethora of things depending on the viewers understanding. Imagery appeals to the five senses". I 100% agree with this statement because different people experience things differently in a way that it applies to their senses. Jay also used the poem "Heat" and thought that the heat is a feeling of touch, both of us had different feelings  and outlook toward the poem. 
Jahneha said, she "honestly cause I can look at something and take it one way then you can look at it in a totally different angle that how I see it", which is what Jay was saying, on how people look at things differently than others.  She choose the song lyric, "You know I got the sauce (sauce), you know I’m saucy And it’s always wet, a b**** never ever had to use lip gloss on it." I have no idea what that song is, but to her it could mean something very meaningful, but for me it means absolutely nothing, but everyone has their own opinion and feel for different things.

Write 1 post by Saturday responding to two colleagues' posts. Use quotes.

Adrian, wrote her post about "Hazel Tells Laverne" by Katharyn Howd Machan. She believes that Metamorphosis could be the mythological elements in this poem. She also gave an example of how this could be, "The frog tell her she have to kiss him and she would change into a princess." Everyone has heard or saw the princess and frog, and of course we all know that is a myth, it is just a story that people tell for entertainment, and a lesson learned.
Jahnesha, wrote her post from the poem, "How I Discovered Poetry" she mentioned that "it used one of mythological elements of using love in the first like by saying "It was like souls-kissing, the way word filled my mouth as Mrs. Purdy read from her mouth." This part of the poem uses imagery which is a form a mythological element and it provides the image of love and how love can feel, but some may say that love is a myth, and that it is an illusion in some cases. The way I feel about it is that it is like "souls-kissing",because it is a beautiful things, but I also feel as though it can be just an image or maybe an illusion.

Write 1 post by Wednesday about the use of mythological elements in one of this week's poems. Use quotes.

The mythological elements in Gwendolyn Brooks' "We Real Cool", seems like a myth of how people who are "cool" and play pool behave. The poem describes how those who play pool are the cool kids on the block. They are so cool that they are too cool for school, and there for the left school. It seems as though these people who are cool, stay out way to late playing pool, with potty mouths, "we sing sin" (Brooks 828). The cool kids on the block not only do all of those things but they also party often, jazzing to the beat in the summer of June. These cool kids know that this life style is fun and that everyone who is no one would love to be in their shoes, but they know that this life style comes with consequences. They know that with their life style that they choose, the will die soon.

1 post by Wednesday about a metaphor in a song lyric.

The song I chose was Waterfalls by TLC. The metaphor that was found in the song was
Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you’re used to
I know that you’re gonna have it your way or nothing at all."

"Don’t go chasing waterfalls
This song lyric is comparing lakes waterfalls and rivers to emotional feelings. It was a metaphor warning us not to go chasing things that are beautiful, like waterfalls, but might actually hurt you.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

1 post by Wednesday about why images can mean so many different things. Use a quote from a poem and from a song you like.

Images can mean a plethora of things depending on the viewers understanding. Imagery appeals to the five senses. The poem "Heat" by H.D uses the imagery of touch. In the poem "Heat" the author says "fruit cannot fall into heat", and "O wind, rend open the heat". I understand this image as heat being a feeling of touch. Also, the elements of nature are being personified.

One of my favorite song is The break up song by Wale. The lyrics "See, breaking up is hard to move along is even harder It's over she got colder now can't locate where her heart is" are my favorite because when Wale says 'It's over she got colder now can't locate where her heart is" that is a image of how breakups can go south and your heart gets cold which is the sense of touch.  

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

1 post by Wednesday about the theme of your favorite poem or song lyric.

The poem "The Rose That Grew From Concrete" by Tupac Shakur is about having ambitions goals and reaching them despite the circumstances and conflicts we are faced. Tupac uses symbolism to disguise himself as the rose and the ghetto as the concrete. The message sent is that it is very burdensome to survive the hard life in the ghetto and make something of yourself.

Did you hear about the rose that grew
from a crack in the concrete?
Proving nature's law is wrong it
learned to walk with out having feet.
Funny it seems, but by keeping its dreams,
it learned to breathe fresh air.
Long live the rose that grew from concrete
when no one else ever cared.