Friday, November 13, 2015

1 post about 2 of your colleagues' posts about the above issues

Daniel said how he revised is doc 3, "Usually, I revise my documents by reading the comments other students post on it. They tell me where I have made mistakes and where I need to make changes."

Tj, said how he feels about peer review, "  Having someone other than the teacher review and critique your work in a lot less stressful. This also gives you maybe an extra opportunity for someone to help you correct any mistakes before you have to turn it in for a final grade. When helping someone critique their paper, is important to not bash, or make fun of their work, because it makes you look bad, and in crashes the other person's morale. Helping others in another way for you to gain experience in not only helping them, but helping yourself, too. You could be revising a paper, and learn something new about that person, or their type of writing style. The possibilities are endless!'

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