Thursday, February 4, 2016

respond to two colleagues' posts. Use quotes.

KP blog post:
"One of the most effective ways William Faulkner establishes depth of character and scene is by using long lists of descriptions. Actions in one scene that then recall a past or future scene."

Lo blog post;
"Kate Chopin's " A Story of an Hour"  is now odd considering the fact that Kate Chopin father died when she was younger. Ironically is the story Mrs.Mallard husband was pronounced dead by a train wreck as well. If that isn't bizarre, I don't know what is. Kate writing this story in third person; let's the readers know that she is the narrator. Therefore, "A Story of an Hour" is actually about Kate as a child watching her getting the new of her father's death. Kate said in the book She was young, with a fair, calm face, whose lines bespoke repression and even a certain strength. Now knowing this the story makes much more sense.

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