Friday, February 26, 2016

theme of your life so far.

I think the theme of my life so far is still being written, how does anyone know the theme of there life, if they are still living? God created the heavens, earths, angels, humans, beasts and etc. Understanding creation the animals all have purpose even the plants and the angels; however, the complexity of humans some they don't understand why they here and purpose of creation. Being that I'm still a living vessel the theme of my life so far would be finding my true purpose for living and understand myself as creation of the most high.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Theme of your favorite movie.

One of  my favorite movies has to be "Paid in Full". A key theme to the movie is do not cross your friend no matter how rich y'all become in the long run. For all the money in the world you do not turn your back on the people, who help you when you did not have anything.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

1 post by Saturday about two colleagues' symbols.

Ryan Phillips symbols Something that we wear  everyday and what does it symbolize. Something that I wear almost everyday is Nike. Nike is an athletic brand and they make stuff from jackets, shirts, cloths, shoes and even book bags. 

Akeryah's synbols 
For about the months I'd sometimes always wear a U.S Army hat that my boyfriend gave to me before I left for school and before he left for basic training. Now I have many army bears and jackets from him to have something to remember when he's gone and now will be in Korea for two years.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Something you often wear or carry and what it symbolizes.

Something that I wear or carry is my moneybag chain around my neck. My favorite piece in the game of monopoly is the moneybag. The moneybag chain I wear is to symbolizes me grinding everyday to get to the riches. To keep stacking my funds and never folding. The moneybag chain I wear is to symbolize every time I make investments with money. I should take the course with less opportunity costs and financial loses.  

Friday, February 12, 2016

1 post response to 2 colleague's view of setting. Use quotes and links.

Breanna Williams blog response view of setting:

Karen Van Der Zee the author of A Secret Sorrow 1981. Her life affects her writing because as a child she always wanted to write and she was in love with romance books and always wanted to travel. her life has affected the way she writes because she has found love and is willing to share something she loves so bad with readers around the world. Her poem/stories tell a great deed of people falling in love and the trials you have to go through to get what you deserve. In Chapter 11 she shows how the character is afraid of marriage afraid of committing and she explains that after it all its worth the fight,.

Jay Perk blog response to the view of setting:
In the story "Geese" the setting of the story is based in  Japan. Dina who is a native in Baltimore wants to moved to Japan because she wants to make a lot of money. said Jay P. I also was aware that the setting of Geese was in Japan, however I thought most of the setting was in Tokyo because Dina wanted to stay in the  city.
"The setting in Hemingway's "Soldier's Home", is in Oklahoma. It takes place in the summer of 1919. Most of the story takes place in the protagonist, Krebs's home, who was returned home from France and Germany from fighting in WWI", said Addison. In the begging of the story in mention Kansas but the story isn't set in Kansas its set in Oklahoma so I agree with Addison's statement.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

1 post about the setting in either Hemingway's or Packer's story.

The setting "Soldiers Home" by Hemingway is based on Oklahoma after World War 1 in the year 1919. Before Kerbs went to the war, he attended a Methodist college in Kansas

Thursday, February 4, 2016

respond to two colleagues' posts. Use quotes.

KP blog post:
"One of the most effective ways William Faulkner establishes depth of character and scene is by using long lists of descriptions. Actions in one scene that then recall a past or future scene."

Lo blog post;
"Kate Chopin's " A Story of an Hour"  is now odd considering the fact that Kate Chopin father died when she was younger. Ironically is the story Mrs.Mallard husband was pronounced dead by a train wreck as well. If that isn't bizarre, I don't know what is. Kate writing this story in third person; let's the readers know that she is the narrator. Therefore, "A Story of an Hour" is actually about Kate as a child watching her getting the new of her father's death. Kate said in the book She was young, with a fair, calm face, whose lines bespoke repression and even a certain strength. Now knowing this the story makes much more sense.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

how the author's life of your Doc1 story/poem affects the story or poem. Use quotes & links.

In the story " A rose for Emily"  by William Faulkner, Miss Emily had a negro slave named Tobe. It may be possible that William Faulkner himself and his family owned slaves because William Faulkner grew up in the southern state of Mississippi and owned farm land.

The bedford introduction to literature by Michael Meyer (pg 98)