Saturday, September 26, 2015


  First off, I am against gay marriage. I have nothing against gay people, i just don't agree with people of the same sex to be married. i feel as if gay marriage is unnatural. in history marriage is between a man and women. since the united states has legalized gay marriage, television programs and other networks have been showing more homosexual culture on TV. Everyone in the united states isnt cool with watching homosexual programs on regular TV and cable. i don't want my children growing up thinking it is ok to marry the same sex.
''People may think marriage is a word wholly owned by religion, but actually its wholly owned by the state.'' (Pg,461). 


  1. lol Your title for this post lol. I agree with you on how you feel that it is unnatural because it is. I also wouldn't my children thinking that is okay either.

  2. You cant help who you love so how can you be against it ?
