Wednesday, September 30, 2015


The article that I am reading about is about how models run on the runway. The article itself does not have all the information about the runway but it did explain where the runway came from. Wikipedia explains the origin of the cat walk runway The origin of the “catwalk” dates back to the 1800's in the city of Paris and was known as “fashion parades”.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Sloppy vs Neat people

The difference between sloppy and neat people is that, sloppy people act like savages, they have bad eating habits, may be gluten, low class and horrible manners. Neat people aren't savages; however, they have a sense of cleanliness. Neat people carry themselves in a just and upright manner. These the type of people that when you take them out to eat they fold the napkin in there lap. "Cleanliness is next to godliness".

Value of MLA

The value of MLA style is used to help the reader of the paper find work(s) cited. MLA format is also easier for the professor to read. Its a neat style of writing a paper. The work(s) cited is for giving credit at the end of the paper, it allows future researchers reading your paper to have a starting point. MLA format is a way to blend the topic which is being wrote about and existing information to support your paper.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

My Wiki Topic

I haven't changed my wiki topic i still pursuing a career in the fashion industry. My wiki topic has to deal with the fashion industry and the business aspect of the fashion world. The fashion industry is more than fancy clothes and different colors of  people garments. its the fashion shows and the analysis of the consumer who buys the outfits.


  First off, I am against gay marriage. I have nothing against gay people, i just don't agree with people of the same sex to be married. i feel as if gay marriage is unnatural. in history marriage is between a man and women. since the united states has legalized gay marriage, television programs and other networks have been showing more homosexual culture on TV. Everyone in the united states isnt cool with watching homosexual programs on regular TV and cable. i don't want my children growing up thinking it is ok to marry the same sex.
''People may think marriage is a word wholly owned by religion, but actually its wholly owned by the state.'' (Pg,461). 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Writiers Voice

 The information given in this article has a writers voice and voice is strictly about the information in the article. The voice based upon the article is stuffy it only concerns the subject. the article is hard physical logical evidence with no emotional approach. No extra information concerning the topic is in the article.

Friday, September 18, 2015

handle a reader in Wikipedia

Handling a reader on Wikipedia is easy. Anyone can post comments and post on Wikipedia but you need work cited pages to back up the information. If you post ignorance on Wikipedia, its going to come up as a red flag. So, when you post on wiki the information has to be factual.

handle a reader in your Doc1

How i handle a reader in my Doc1, I let the reader read over my errors and corrections. My thesis for Doc1 is such a attention grabber that once the reader reads the beginning paragraph his or her attention is drawn to the whole Doc.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Doc1 handles its thesis

My Doc 1 handles the thesis by drawing the readers attention in the whole introductory paragraph. The thesis is the point in the introductory where the key points of the essay are stated.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

How I use writing as a tool for learning ?

I really dont like to write but the tools I use to help my learning with writing would most likely be Cornell Notes. You are taking notes in a college level style and after you write a summary of the notes that were taken. I believe that this is the best tool for learning for me.

Over Seas (Open Choice)

Since, I was two years old I've been traveling the world. Before I moved to Georgia when I lived in New York I use to go on cruises around the world. I have been on about 11 cruises. my favorite cruise is when we went to Aruba, The sky was red and the ocean was a mist blue. In Aruba I rode a jet ski for the first time I was about 8 years old. I couldn't ride the jet ski by myself because I wasn't old enough so my cousin Melissa got on with me but I drove it first then we switch. Jet ski's are fast.I was drifting with the blue see, I feel off a couple of times because the jet ski was skipping on the water. I had so much fun being 8 years old and on a jet ski. Being on one is like a dirt bike for water.

Friday, September 11, 2015

What am I learning about my Wiki Topic

I am learning that business marketing is more than getting people to like your business but business marketing It allows businesses to sell products or services to other companies or organizations that resell them, use them in their products or services or use them to support their works.

What I learned from doc 1?

What I learned from doc was that your online appearance is everything. What you put on the internet really reflects who you are internally. People criticize and ridicule over the internet because sometimes they can say anything they want and be anonymous, or people that aren't anonymous say anything they want and get in trouble. The first impression is the best impression, so wouldn't someones first impression over the internet shouldn't it be a good one?  Also, the internet is a place where people show there ignorance.

My Wiki Topic

My Wikipedia topic is about Marketing in the Fashion Business world. This is the field i am thinking about pursuing and there some information on my Wikipedia topic that i did not know of. 
For instance , i didn't know that business marketers have the highest paid salary in the field of business. I've always thought accounting and entrepreneurs were the highest paid in this field. The CEO of H&M: Karl-Johan Persson is a billionaire and even though he is an entrepreneur he studied in business marketing. The same applies to the CEO of ZARA:Óscar Pérez Marcote.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

How I use writing to learn

How I use writing to learn I just write any way I feel. I don't have no certain way of flow to writing. i brain storm before I write. What is writing to learn? Writing to learn are informal writing tasks that help students think through key concepts or ideas presented in a course. At times these writing tasks uses less or is limited to five minutes of  class time. These writing tasks can be out of class assignments as well. Our groupDoc1 is an prime example of writing to learn

Doc #1

In class I'm doing a group essay arguing that college students should begin now to create a professional online image. This is the first document in the class and I don't like group essay's; however, I think Google docs makes editing and reviewing a essay easier. Google docs are still missing some simple characteristics such as capitalizing I's in a sentence but the overall system is great. Google docs also saves every two seconds The topic my group is writing about seems easier to write about when you have a group input, then trying to write on this topic by yourself