Saturday, January 30, 2016

1 about what 2 of your colleagues learned about their stories; use quotes & links

My classmates all have different stories that they choose for there document 1. For example, Ashley Davis in Mr. Hamon's 2 o'clock class.  The story she picked was " A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner and she learned " The way Faulkner describes certain things that make them an important element in the story" Ashley stated. Marlon Robinson story he learned from was "The Story of an Hour". He stated that he learned Mrs.Mallard had a heart condition and the reason behind her death was she could not handle the surprise at the end of the year"

Friday, January 29, 2016

1 about what you have learned about your story.

I learned in the story I choose was “The Story of an Hour” is Kate Chopin’s short story about the thoughts of a woman after she is told that her husband has died in an accident. This story is creepy because of the role of Louise Mallard.

Friday, January 22, 2016

1 about your choice of story for your Doc1.

The choice of story I'm using for my document 1 is Kate Chopin “Story of an Hour”. The reason I choice this story is because of the relationship to unveil the emotional and social expectations of marriage and death. Everyone has been in love and/or seen a love one past away. The story explains Mrs. Mallard’s craziness towards her husband who past away but some people do extremes for there loved ones, alive and dead.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

1 about your favorite movie

I do not have a favorite movie. There are three genres of movies I prefer which are action, thriller and kung fu. My favorite kung fu movie would be the 5 Deadly Vemons. This movie has a great story line and shows the true Chinese culture of ancient kung fu. I also like how the five different styles of kung fu listed in the movie are not real kung fu styles but are still fun to view.
This movie isnt like a thriller however has a plot twist at the end of the movie. I can watch this movie over over again.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Introduction English 1102

Hey my name is Jahai Canty. This is my second year here at this school. I design clothes in my spare time mainly denim. I love to watch and play soccer. I am majoring in Business Marketing and minor in fashion merchandising. I should just have my denim line starting up by the summer of this year, by the fall I will be selling jeans and other apparel I have created.